Worship & Prayer

Worship & Prayer

“Everything in man should halt in awe… Let all the world quake

and let Heaven exult when Christ, the Son of the living God, is there on the altar.”  - St. Francis of Assisi

Is worship not the purpose of the church? According to Matthew 22:37, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” 

The sacrifice of the Holy Mass is at the center of our Catholic faith. In the Eucharistic celebration we proclaim the Word of God, give thanks and praise to God for all He has done for us through the gift of His Son’s sacrifice, and participate in the liturgical banquet by receiving the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord, Jesus Christ veiled in the consecrated bread and wine. It is here, as a community of believers, that we experience the highest form of worship and learn how to render perfect worship of God, our Creator.

The Mass is our participation in Christ’s sacrifice. We acknowledge all that He sacrificed for us out of great love, and we give ourselves to Him to be transformed into His image. Perhaps Isaiah’s vision in 6:5-7 helps us to best contemplate our relationship with God the Father and Christ the Son: “’For I am a man of unclean lips, living among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!’ Then one of the seraphim flew to me, holding an ember which he had taken with tongs from the altar. He touched my mouth with it: ‘See,’ he said, ‘now that this has touched your lips, your wickedness is removed, your sin purged.’”

Scripture and tradition show us that worship is a sacrificial act that establishes communion with God. It allows participation in His mystery and, by contemplating His beauty, we are utterly transformed.

Lord's Day Masses are celebrated on Saturday at 4 PM and on Sunday at 8 AM and 10:30 AM.

Daily Mass is celebrated Monday through Thursday at 8 AM.

First Friday and First Saturday Masses are celebrated at 8 AM, based on the First Friday of the month.

Worship Accessibility

Listening Aids for Mass - Microphones are used by the celebrants, lectors and vocalists throughout the Mass to project the sound throughout the worship space. For those with hearing issues, we have individual listening devices which transmit the service in real time through a single earpiece with volume control. These are located at the charging station in the gathering space.

Communion for those with mobility issues - We recognize that joining the line to receive Communion is not an easy task for our members with mobility issues. If you let one of our ushers know on the way into Mass that you wish to receive Communion at your seat, they will direct the celebrant to bring Jesus to you in the pew before the rest of the congregation processes forward.

Livestreaming of Masses - Through a generous donor, the church has the ability to livestream our Masses and special services for those who are unable to join us in person for worship. Our trained volunteers use various cameras to produce an intimate broadcast of the Mass for those who are sick, homebound or traveling and wish to stay connected with our parish community. In addition to accessing the Mass through our YouTube channel, the weekend Mass is also televised every Sunday at 4:30 PM on Cable 191 BCTV.



Looking for a Parish to Call Home?

If you know someone who is looking for a parish to call home, they may be interested in seeing the October 2022 Chalice of Salvation Mass that was filmed here.

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